What are EAG about ?

The European Aerostudent Games (EAG) is a 50 year old sports tournament (previously called TEAG for « Tournoi des Grandes Écoles Aéronautique ») bringing together aeronautics students from all over Europe. The event takes place in Toulouse, on the Enac and Supaéro campuses between March and April each year. Over a long weekend, students have the opportunity to compete against their European counterparts in group and individual events, as well as in the evenings. The goal is to earn points for her school and ultimately make her triumph.

How are EAG organized ?

   This event is entirely organized by a team of around thirty students from ENAC and SUPAERO. The organizing team is recruited in September and is divided into several poles in order to distribute the work well:

• The logistics center’s mission is to manage the arrival of the students we welcome as well as possible. For example, the cluster will have to book hotels, shuttles, meals, bracelets, etc.

• The role of the communication pole is to promote the event. This requires regular contact with partner universities and schools as well as network management.

• The entertainment center makes the event unforgettable by offering daytime activities to set the mood and entertain supporters and athletes in addition to the competitions. They also take care of the nightlife: they organize the two evenings.

• The sport pole organizes the competitions. It therefore manages the sports planning, reserves equipment and facilities …

• The partner pole is looking for companies able to help us financially or in kind in order to improve the quality of the event • The security department ensures the smooth running of the event and anticipates the various problems

• The office ensures the progress of the organization, manages contacts with institutions, the budget. He works on all fronts at the same time, keeping an overview.

Becoming involved in such an association is an incredible and rewarding experience. In addition to working on a medium-term associative project on which you can directly influence, you will gain skills in a field that you like. This kind of associative experience is highly valued on a CV, especially for the human skills it develops. You will also share many good times with the other members of the association, especially during the handover weekend.

A high level of French is required to enter the team.
But all students are encouraged to be a volunteer or referee for the tournament.

Guillaume SERRANO

President of the EAG - IENAC20 - BDE Member